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Key Features

  • Location-based technology allows users to find people with similar interests in close proximity.
  • Find People search allows users to search for specific individuals, family, friends, and professionals.
  • People Like ME search shows users matches that have at least an 80% match of the same likes/dislikes.
  • Messaging via chat, text, video
  • Share Account Access to give a trusted family member or friend access to their account.
  • Super Bluetooth Blaster to extend the distance of Bluetooth reach for offline connections.

What Makes PALS Different?

Big social media platforms have turned the world upside down and made a lot of money. In the process they’ve made colossal mistakes: they’ve abused personal data they’ve manipulated content to influence choices. All in all, rather than creating a tool to unite and bring us together, they’ve created products that have produced a social dilemma.

PALS is offering a refreshed and unbiased approach to social networking. PALS serves to connect people with common interests through a closed-loop, private and secure, user-controlled social networking. PALS strives to create a positive community experience for all members.

Patent-protected technology that locates users with mutual common interests in complete privacy, without divulging their identities and/or location to anyone other than the person(s) with whom they may choose to communicate.

  • Users can turn off the ability to show up in a search.
  • Only the user knows who they are connected to.
  • The user controls what is in their social network.
  • Account sharing for emergencies
  • PALS will provide clients with controls not found elsewhere.

Why Will People Use PALS?

People are tired of the intrusions and abuses they experience from today’s social network platforms. There are untold numbers of first-time social media users who sign up for services and they don’t know what it is they give up until it’s too late. So, we’re designing PALS for our families, our friends, new generations of first-time users, and any folks looking for a superior alternative to today’s open platforms. We want everyone to have the option of using a product that doesn’t censor or bias their thought process or abuse their personal data.

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How Will You and PALS Make Money?

PALS will be integrating an advertising model that will avoid consumer abuses committed by our competitors. PALS will gather data shared by our users including interests and affiliations, geolocation, zip code, and other demographics to target advertisements. As PALS grows, we will scale the product making the app more valuable to customers, and making you more money.

With the funding we need, we will build a team of terrific people and deploy targeted marketing strategies.

Contact Us for More Information
and Beta Samples of PALS

Reach out to Wayne Bryan for more information

321-821-8883 [email protected]
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Currently available on iOS and Android

Download PALS and start using social media how it was intended - to connect people and make them feel at home.

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